Home Ignition Zone Assessments

Release of Liability

Thank you for requesting your on-site Home Ignition Zone Assessment to be conducted by LAEPF (Los Angeles Emergency Preparedness Foundation) authorized personnel operating under a specialized Wildfire Preparedness Grant from Cal Fire.

When a wildfire occurs, thousands of embers can rain down on your home and ignite receptive fuels or become lodged in areas that could cause your house to burn down. These areas are known as the Home Ignition Zone.

  • Your Home Ignition Zone Assessment will include:

    • A review of external (visible) exposures from the roof to the ground and the surrounding area (on your property)

    • You will receive a customized written report that includes descriptions and photographs of visible exposures and recommended mitigation actions.

    • You will receive links to important information relevant to living in a high or very high wildland fire risk area.

    • The on-site assessment will take approximately 1.5 hours to complete (time can vary based on size of the property being reviewed).

  • Release of Liability

    • The Home Ignition Zone Assessment (HIZ) is designed to provide education and exposure awareness (visible exposures).  The HIZ assessment observations and recommended mitigation actions are for informational purposes only and do not guarantee your house or facility will not be impacted or lost due to wildfire. The inspectors, LAEPF and Cal Fire are not liable for any actions taken or not taken by the homeowner(s), association, or organization to address wildfire and home ignition exposures, insurance coverage and premiums, or existing and pending legal regulations.

    • This release covers all actions, and causes of action, and applies to all residents, guests, subsidiaries, and their respective principals, affiliates, related entities, shareholders, officers, directors, agents, employees and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, and successors as applicable.