LAEPF is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization supporting disaster preparedness, response, and recovery efforts in Los Angeles and beyond.
99% of your donation will go directly towards disaster resilience programming.
LAEPF is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. All donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Our IRS tax identification number is 26-3378460.
Community Brigade is a program of LAEPF.
Community Brigade a trailblazing program designed to help bridge the resource gap between professional first response agencies and local communities during disaster events.
Your donation supports:
Community Brigade
First responders
Local assistance centers
Disaster relief supplies
Community resilience and recovery efforts
Seniors, children, and Disability & Access
Functional needs relief operations
Our programs, services, & projects
Donate by Check
Please make all checks payable to
LA Emergency Preparedness Foundation
and please mail to:
Los Angeles Emergency Preparedness Foundation
404 S. Figueroa St., 5th Fl., Suite 520B
Los Angeles, CA 90071
wish List
The following in-kind donations are very valuable during response and recovery efforts for disasters and emergencies.
1. Warehouse space
2. Trucking and hauling
3. Organized, background checked, and disaster trained volunteers
4. Drinking water
5. Communications equipment for field locations
If you would like to discuss your resource availability and other ways to partner to support our community, please call us directly at the number below or send us a message.